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A challenge posted by Guanling:

For us to find and discuss top 3 most relevant papers in each of following topics. Then we can kick ideas about what has not been solved and what might be solutions in each of the topic (or the topic you are mostly interested in).
* Sensor network architecture and protocols
* Distributed coordination algorithms (e.g., for localization, time synchronization, clustering, topology control, etc.)
* Failure resilience and fault isolation
* Energy management
* Operating systems
* Data, information, and signal processing
* Data storage
* Distributed actuation and control
* Programming methodology
* Security and privacy
* Network planning, provisioning, and deployment
* Operational experience and testbeds
* Experimental methodology (e.g., repeatable experimentation, measurement infrastructure, simulation, emulation, etc.)
* Analysis of real-world systems and fundamental limits
* Applications
* Integration with other systems (e.g., Web-based information systems, process control, enterprise software, etc.)
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Page last modified on November 29, 2005, at 09:54 PM